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It's Been A While, I Know!


Greetings CLASSMates!

It is I, once again. Look, I know that I have been away for a while, but it has been very eventful to say the least!

  • Dara and I have bought a house!

  • I have made the first steps toward going to graduate school (University of St. Thomas, my alma mater) for a MLA, concentration in Drama.

  • Battling with UPS to figure out our shipping logistics, to better serve YOU!

Anywho, we have an event coming up, which is announced in the flyer below, and we would LOVE to see your face in the place. We are doing this "SHOP SMALL SATURDAY MARKET" with our friends at the EMANCIPATION AVENUE MAIN STREET organization. It is going to be a GREAT TIME!

Also, we do have a couple of things that we are doing for the upcoming holidays (Christmas & Kwanzaa) that we are working on and, once the ink is dry, we will announce those here and on our social media platforms as well.

Finally, we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary of doing business and we just want to say THANK YOU for all of your support, patronage, and love. This has been a very interesting and fulfilling ride, but without YOU, this journey would not even be possible.

So, peace, love, and blessings to you all.

Make It Happen,

David Landry

Luminary Engineer (Lightbulb Changer)

CLASS Bookstore



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