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We Love New Stuff... And You Should, Too!


Good morning! We hope that all is well with you and yours.

We are excited for this weekend's events, starting with tomorrow's conversation with the author of one of our best selling books, WWJZD? (What Would Jay Z Do?), by Quinn Bryant (@lowkeyqb). It will be on Friday, February 12th, at 7:30PM CST and we are re-stocking the book tomorrow as well! So, be on the lookout for that!

Also, we are participating in another POP-UP experience, this time at the Buffalo Soldier National Museum (3816 Caroline Street), on Saturday, February 13th, from 12PM CST - 5PM CST. Tickets are $5 to go into the building and patronize the vendors; however, we will have an outdoor booth, so feel free to walk up and say hello if you see us!

Finally, a note about our Weekly Storytime: as you may (or may not) have noticed, we had to take down the videos that were previously uploaded, due to receiving a copyright strike from one of the book publishers. It was a sad day for us, because Weekly Storytime was starting to shape up to be a great success for us. All is not lost though: we reached out to the publisher and the strike will be lifted; however, we have to make sure that we ask permission and we STREAM the readings from now on. So, from here on, for the foreseeable future, we will be reading books LIVE on our INSTAGRAM page, @classbookstore, at 7:30PM CST. Feel free to stop by and share. Also, unfortunately, we will not be able to archive the videos. We have to take them down completely, so once the reading is done, it is gone forever! But, do not fret, we will figure something out for the little ones soon enough, we always do!

Make It Happen,

David Landry

Luminary Engineer (Lightbulb Changer)

CLASS Bookstore



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